Sunday 5 February 2012

Banana Bonanza.

Yesterday afternoon it snowed, so LV and I baked. I used this recipe from pannasbaking and it truly is the best banana cake I've ever tasted. I knew it would be because Rose of pannasbaking brought one to a friends 30th birthday a couple of weeks back and it made such an impression that I've since dreamt about it! Bonkers I know. I also ate it for breakfast the day after the party and it helped me feel normal again so I'd say not only is it delicious it has magic hangover curing properties!

The quantities suggested made 12 muffins and a loaf. Most of the muffins have been eaten (yikes) and I've frozen the banana loaf ready for my next work baking day (organised or what?!). There's nothing complicated about this recipe and there was lots LV could help with: mashing bananas, stirring flour in, pouring buttermilk in.....and eating the mixture of course.


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