Monday 17 October 2011

Sorry...I was asking your name.

Typical me, I'm quite good at getting names wrong (there was the 'Sarah' incident a few weeks ago) but today's name faux pas is most certainly my best/worst. LV was having a visit to the older kids class at nursery in preparation for the big move in a couple of weeks, the 3 - 4 years room! We arrived to collect her, we ventured into her usual class to be told she was upstairs so we headed up to collect her. I introduced myself :

Me: 'Oh hi, I'm Kat, LV's mum'
Her: 'Cinderella'
Me: 'Oh sorry no, my name's Kat' (I wondered if she had mixed up me introducing myself with perhaps asking her what her favourite Disney story was)
Her: 'Cinderella'
Me: 'Sorry, Cinderella?'
Her: 'That's my name'
Me: 'Oh I see, sorry, nice to meet you' (I couldn't say her name)

Then it dawned on me, the previous week LV had requested that Sophie, Grace and Cinderella come over to play. I said that Cinderella could definitely come (it was too short notice to invite Sophie and Grace - actual people) so I spent a good while role playing pretending that Cinderella was playing with us - thinking that LV must have heard the story at nursery. She must have thought that either her teacher 'Cinderella' was invisible all of a sudden or that I was playing some sort of sick joke on her! Oh dear.

What was even more unusual was when another dad popped his head in to say thanks 'Cheers, Cinderella, see you tomorrow', REALLY?!


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