This week I had the pleasure of tripping down to London with work, usually this is something I enjoy. This time, not so enjoyable. Mainly due to other passengers on the train, so I've experienced some weird train encounters before, like the time my pal em and I were sat opposite a drugged up mentalist who rapped loudly for the majority of our 2.5 hr journey, eventually when it was discovered that he didn't actually have a ticket he was escorted off the train, by the police!drama. Then there was the time Rob and I were travelling up to Manchester and another unusualist joined us, she sat opposite and talked to us at around 100mph before disappearing to the toilet, on return she was enjoying some sort of high which encouraged her to hum, slur her words and nod off mid sentence. Odd. So, I'm not new to unusual train encounters however, Thursday wins the 'most annoying' prize. I was subjected to 1.5hrs of a mother forcing (loudly) her children to partake in 'number bombs' - calculations and timetables. On more than one occasion the child said 'mummy, I just want to look out of the window', pushy parents, yuk. Then, on return from London there was the snorer, the cougher, the loud music listener, the one that smelt like onion and the big man that sat next to me, claiming the centre armrest as his own, even though I was there first! He also threw himself down in the seat with such gusto that my tea spilt onto my work notes...was there an apology? No there was not.
So my advice to you all, select your carriage, your seat and your time of travel carefully. Unless you enjoy being subjected to any of the above.
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