Saturday, 18 June 2011

Festival Fever.

Work organised a music festival for all it's worker bees, how cool is that! There were tribute bands, a burger van, a crepe van, a bucking bronco, a busy bar, lots of drunk people and a whole load of portaloos. It was a hoot, I stuck to three drinks though, with the wedding just one week away this is not the time to be struggling through a three day hangover which is what I'm subjected to these days. I had a great time, I had a hot dog - it wasn't my finest meal but I was in the 'festival spirit', I had a go on the bucking bronco, which on reflection was not a sensible idea with the wedding just one week away (ooops, but thankfully it was fine and I stayed on for 30 whole seconds!Go me!It was painful, I will never do it again), I chatted to colleagues, basked in the sun and had a lovely time. There were a few celebs wondering around too:

Me & Sven

Me & Ricky (unfortunately he seems to have been eclipsed - by the sun, not my beauty!)

It was a fab festival and I'm looking forward to next years already, or maybe me, Rob and LV will try a real one! Stranger things have happened (like work hosting a music festival!).

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