Sunday, 15 May 2011

Banana and cinnamon muffins for breakfast?...go on then

The wedding diet was supposed to start last week, it didn't. I have no excuse, it just didn't happen and now I'm seeing a bit of a worrying pattern...when I'm feeling a bit anxious I eat. However, I haven't given up all hope of shedding a couple of pounds before the big day, I'm hoping nervous energy will boost my metabolism and I'm going to try and be very sensible for the next 6 weeks. Before I made this decision I baked banana and cinnamon muffins, so I had to delay the start of the diet, no big deal, I'll start tomorrow..promise. During the week breakfast is a rushed affair, I tend to be applying mascara whilst shovelling cereal into my mouth whilst negotiating with LV that a two course breakfast will suffice. So, at the weekend, we try to make a bit more of an event out of breakfast and we all sit down at the table to eat together....Rob didn't make it this morning, he was struggling to keep more than one eye open so I gave him a lie in pass (so kind). Muffins will be off the menu for a few weeks, starting tomorrow!


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