Saturday, 23 April 2011

A proud pair...painting project?

I picked up this proud pair in a charity shop yesterday, I don't know why I like them, I just do.

My sister has a metal bird that a friend of hers had powder coated for her which looks great so that made me wonder about painting this pair. I checked it out online and decided to go for a plasti-kote spray paint in a vibrant colour. I quite fancied turquoise (as that's what my sisters bird is and looks great, but they didn't have any so I chose a bright purple). While LV was having her midday nap I set up paint shop outside on the patio. I applied two coats:

and waited for them to dry. Two hours later and here they are:

I love them!

and here they are in context:


Now, what can I spray paint next?! xo.

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