Thursday, 7 April 2011

Hoppin' mad...probably.

So, today I sent the text message destined to crush my dreams it went a bit like this:
"Rob, I've found a beginners Lindy Hop class next Thursday night, will you have a go with me".....I watched my phone, went and came back from a meeting, watched my phone again waiting for a response, the message arrived from Rob:
"Beginners!! They don't call me snake hips for nothing you know, yeah I'll have a go, it'll be a laugh!" . 
AMAZING. So Rob and I are going to give Lindy Hop a go, I've watched numerous YouTube videos over the last few months, even located a local class but didn't have the nerve to raise the subject with Rob, I thought it'd be a point blank refusal but he has surprised me...again. I can't wait, even if it's a disaster at least we can say we've had a go and hopefully we'll have a real giggle trying. I have these visions of us being naturals and whipping around the dancefloor swinging our hips, kicking our feet and waggling our's unlikely, but I can dream. Here's my inspiration:

And here's the photo that convinces me that Rob and I definitely have potential, taken at my sisters wedding in 2007, we are quite clearly budding Lindy Hoppers!!:


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