Thursday, 29 September 2011

Want, want, need, need...

Maybe I should send Rob a subtle email? Actually, I might just go ahead and buy it for myself, easier. Christmas day jumper I hear you say? Yes, I thought so to.


Tuesday, 27 September 2011

A balmy Summer's eve.

So, there's a heatwave, it started at midday today, this is important, because when I left the house this morning it was Autumn. It was most definitely chilly. So much so that it was necessary for me to wear tights, it's the end of September, tights are more than ok. I left work at 5pm and it was sweltering, mainly because I was wearing a coat and tights, I lost the coat pronto, but the tights, they had to stay. Off I went to meet the lovely Husband and LV at the park. I was a bit huffy puffy mainly because I was hot but I tried to enjoy a last attempt at playing out on a balmy Summer's eve.

Swings are amazing, yay!

In my tights and Winter boots.

What LV wore.

This little lamb of ours has a pretty fabulous flare for fashion already. She tends to pick what she wears, it's not always practical but I like to encourage her independence. Obviously I have to draw the line on occasion, like when she wants me to draw her a bunnies nose and whiskers on her face, everyday.

She can certainly rock a pinafore dress, that's for sure!

Dress: Vintage St Micheals.
Top: Gifted
Zip up: Thrifted
Shoes: NEW - Hush Puppies

And the brilliant thing is there's no danger of her choosing something I don't like, thankfully as I buy all her clothes, yay (obviously, she is only nearly 3...I'm not encouraging independence to the extent where she does her own clothes shopping...not yet.)

Monday, 26 September 2011


I had a productive day, I thought the work was over , I was relieved, and then, I arrived at nursery to collect LV and was given my homework.

Luckily, I like homework from nursery, usually because it means I get to make stuff and tonight's homework was a corker. A moodboard! Now the moodboard bit was not a requirement, this was my interpretation of the request to provide words/draw pictures that represent our hopes and dreams for LV's future. This is what I did mainly because my writing is messy and I'm not an artist:

I hope we win. What do you mean it's not a competition?!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Retro game love.

I could squeal with excitement...but I won't, Rob will think that it's game over, that I've finally lost it. I haven't lost it, but I am fizzing with glee at my latest find. The antiques fair was pretty rubbish really, there were about five stalls and there wasn't really anything that appealed...that was until I set eyes on this fabulous Jack & Jill board game. Now, this may sound a little strange, you may wonder 'what's so exciting about a) Jack and Jill and b) a board game', well, I'll tell you, a) LV LOVES Jack & Jill and b) I love board games and c) it was made in 1960! Yes indeed.

So here it is:

The pictures are soooo sweet.

It's in pristine condition and I just know LV will go bananas for it. So, in my minds eye I've created a scenario for us playing this game: it's Christmas Eve, it's snowing outside, we're all snuggled inside, we've eaten and it's time for a spot of family fun (maybe a board game?!), we fill our glasses (with Babysham! see below -tehe)

and we laugh the night away. Obviously LV isn't drinking Babysham, that would be wrong, and I'm not sure Rob would be drinking Babysham either, maybe beer in a Babysham glass, but I can work on the finer details. Loving the vision.

So, my thrifting ban didn't last, but I think you'll agree, an exception had to be made.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Bits & Pieces.

A few bits and pieces from our lives this week.

Vintage thrifted dress picked up on a impromptu charity shop visit this week.

A juicy pineapple...we always buy pineapples, they look cool,  but because of this we keep them for ages, they go off and we never get to eat them = waste.

A lovely vintage velvet bag.

I LOVE Reese's pieces, so much so I could live in America simply because there is more availability within the Reese's portfolio of products there.

We tripped out for pizza, LV rode on Rob's shoulders, she likes to shout 'My daddy's got a baldy head', Rob doesn't like it so much.

A card to LV from Nanny & Grandad.

A spot of early morning viewing, I encourage this if LV wakes before the sun comes up.

Breakfast. Life's too short not to eat cake at every given opportunity. I made these bad boys last night.

More fun to come this weekend: We'll be visiting Peppery Pig (a peppa pig tribute!) and I'm off to an antiques fair tomorrow (I'll be practising breathing techniques today to ensure I stay in control - of my purse strings).

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

The fringe debate.

So I've been debating whether to get a fringe or not for a few weeks now...I know, critical decisions. With my day off and hair appointment drawing nearer I ummmmed and ahhhed until I thought sod it, it will grow back if I hate it, or I could always wear a hat. Works dress policy is pretty relaxed.

So today I got a fringe. I haven't had a fringe since I was about 8 years old and I must say, I love it. I had high hopes that Rob would love it too, so I sent him this picture:

He text me: 'Wow, Mrs you look fantastic'. Super I thought, he's keen, he thinks I look fantastic, I made the right decision, I was excited about arriving home to show him the real thing. I arrived home, I gave him a twirl.
Rob: 'It's great, you look really.........mature.'
Me: 'Oh, you think I look mature? as in you think it makes me look older?'
This was not a look I was hoping for...can you imagine, to hairdresser 'yes I'd like a hairstyle that will pile the years on, a fringe will do it?, ok great lets go for it!'
Rob: 'Noooooooo not older, smarter, really smart'
Ohhhh super, SMART, I long to look smart. Smart and mature, that's what I was after.
Me: 'Well, I like it'
Rob: 'I do, are you mad? I really like it, it suits you'
Finally, the response I was looking for.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Globe Trotting Tuesday - Sydney.

My love for blogging actually started four and a half years ago when Rob and I packed our bags and headed off on a three month trip to travel Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. This weekend I randomly googled my old blog. I found it. Instead of reading it all in one go I'm going to share it each week on this blog, my new blog. Thankfully my spelling has improved in the last four and a half years (phew) however I've decided to post it as I wrote it then, warts and all. Here we go.

Day 1. 

Arrived safe and sound after our mammoth 21.5hr journey from Heathrow to Sydney via Singapore, managed to fit in approx 5 films and a 5hour kip, Rob on the other hand didn't sleep at all....yikes.  A bit worse for wear when we arrived into Sydney airport we took a train to Circular Quay, Alfred Str where our Hotel was supposed to be, just so happens it was on Alfred Str Milsons Point which was another 10 min train ride, in out warm UK clothes this was not a laughing matter in the 25 degree heat...yuk, we were a sweaty mess by the time we arrived.  Had a ropey nights sleep before getting up bright and early to start our adventure.  Headed straight for Darling Harbour and wandered down to Paddy's market and then the Aquarium, which was fun.  We then caught a train back to Circular Quay and took a ferry ride over to Watson's Bay for lunch, really gorgey there apart from the noisy birds.  Were really tired after this so decided to head for the Olympic Pool, but could only take about 1/2 hour, too hot.  We were both fast asleep in our air conditioned room by 4pm and didn't wake up until 7pm, yikes tonight will be an interesting nights sleep!  Just been out for a lush Thai meal and we'll be heading to bed pretty soon, big day tomorrow, camper van day, yikes we're so excited I hope it has a loud horn.  Thats it for now will update again asap, hope you're all well.

(I am hopeful that my photography skills have also improved in the last few years!)


Sunday, 18 September 2011

What LV wore.

This morning we harvested a whole load of tomatoes, I'll be a bit sad once this plant is done, however I feel a bit more ready to take on a patch next Spring..LV will be so excited. I couldn't resist another outfit post, she's such a poppet (well I think so anyway).


Saturday, 17 September 2011

This weeks vintage finds.

1 & 3 . 1960's Meakin 'Impact' design dinner service: 18 plates, a gravy boat, 2 Vegetable dishes and a serving platter.
2. Cute owl for LV's room.
3. Retro flour shaker...for all the flour (rice flour!) shaking I do whilst baking.

I maintained control (I think), I love the meakin dinner service and it was a steal (£30 and I've googled it and it's worth approx £130!). The owl was a mere 50p and LV loves it and the flour shaker, well, every good woman should own a flour shaker right?

I'm taking a thifting break, for a couple of weeks, just to make sure I'm not properly addicted. At least my stock is in good shape!

Friday, 16 September 2011

Coconut & Cherry Muffins (Wheatfree).

I deserve a treat, it's Friday after all, however I'm going wheatfree, it's pretty tricky as a lot of the things I love to eat contain wheat (CAKE). So, I have attempted one of my favourite recipes replacing the plain flour with rice flour, I threw in a little extra buttermilk as the flour packet said this flour required more liquid...and they turned out, well, quite divine really. The consistency is much heavier than usual and the coconut makes them quite grainy, yet they're still totally delicious. Rob was also very complimentary and he doesn't throw his baking related compliments around willy nilly I'll have you know.

Here's the magic recipe:

I swapped the plain flour for rice flour
I swapped Greek yoghurt for buttermilk (because I didn't have yoghurt in) and I used 210ml not 175ml
I only used 200g of cherries (because otherwise I would have needed to buy two tubs for an extra 50g, mad)
I used coconut instead of ground almonds (because I needed to break my almond obsession)
I baked at 180 degrees in a fan assisted oven (not 160 degrees)
I topped some of the muffins with coconut instead of sugar (because they're healthy muffins!..I know,denial)

Thursday, 15 September 2011

LV's best book.

My mum brought this book over from Germany for LV when she was born. I rediscovered it at the bottom of her book pit this weekend and we started reading it, it is now her best book. My mum used to say I was quite a lot like 'Noisy Nora' in fact she would probably still say I'm like her now...Nora's an attention seeking mouse (I may be a little bit attention seeking, I'm obviously not a mouse). This book makes me laugh and it gets LV all giggly too..and it's nice that she gets to enjoy something that was part of my childhood.

I have been known to say (shout) this.....and I'm not talking about that many moons ago! (oops)

Say what LV?

When did my nearly 3 year old turn into a grumpy teen?

Over dinner.

Me: 'Did you have a nice day at nursery today, who did you play with?'
LV: 'Mummy I'm eating, we'll talk when I'm finished....yeah?'
Me: 'Oh OK, sorry, we'll talk when you're finished then'
LV: 'Don't be rude, talking after yeah?'

I felt scorned.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Junk-filled Wonderland.

As if the thrifting addiction wasn't enough to cope with, a junk-filled wonderland has opened up on the street where I work. It's a sign I'm sure of it...a sign for me to get on with opening my online shop/treasure trove. I think I'll focus on the research element tonight, maybe I'll make a moodboard.  I'll save the tough stuff for this weekend and by tough stuff I mean the actual business should start a business plan on a Monday night....not when one has a whole 3 episodes of Madmen to watch!

Rickety old rocking horse.

Cute caravan filled with records, art and two lovely typewriters (one was pink!amazing).

I'm going to limit myself to taking a look once a week. Promise.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

What LV wore.

So I mentioned my clever crafting sister a couple of days ago and failed to mention the fabulous cardigan she made for LV. LV was super keen to get this cardi on today stating 'I like it, Sharlie made it for me with her hand', indeed she did, well she made it with two hands, but nearly. So now we know you can do it sis, we'd like another one...please?


Saturday, 10 September 2011

This weeks thrifted finds.

I was relatively restrained this week...why? Because I'm running out of places to hide my finds from Rob. So, the criteria for whether 'stuff' makes the cut from now on is a) do I love it b) does it fit into my 'dream home treasure trove' and/or c) will LV use/like it. All of the above made the cut today, horay.

1. Kitsch glass jars with fruit design: made in France. (dream home treasure trove).
2. Pink cotton baby playsuit. (I love it and it adds to my stock)
3. Necklaces that I will wear everyday, promise. (I love them)
4. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on DVD. (LV will love this as do I)

Another successful thrifting adventure.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Cute crochet.

My sister is a master crafter, she sews, she knits and she crochets. I asked her to make me something for a friends new baby and this is what she made, aren't they just the cutest shoes you ever did see? I wonder if she'd make me a pair! They'd need to be bigger obviously I don't have spooky tiny feet.

As if these aren't sweet enough she made this too, a bonus present....a bunny. We're a bit obsessed with bunnies in this house, well I'm not, LV is, so I may need to hide this gift from her or it might not make it to it's intended owner. LV thinks she's getting her 'bunny face' back this weekend, she's going to be so disappointed.

Thanks sis.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Mistaken identity.

Today was a bit manic, but a lot was achieved. I started at home, working efficiently, I then ventured into work to 'touch base' before my train down to London for an afternoon meeting regarding a project I'm mega excited about, I worked on the train...I was feeling effective. I felt like a proactive person, I felt a bit excited. I arrived in London, I sent some more emails, ticked some more stuff off my list and then it was time for the meeting.

I was expecting to meet the account team from an agency I had been talking to for weeks (but I had zero visuals on this team). The introductions commenced...last but not least a lady introduced herself, lets call her Sarah. I had been talking to Sarah for months, we got on swimmingly, I was excited to finally meet her. I launched into my 'so great to meet you, fab to put a face to a name, looking forward to our meeting Wednesday, is there anything she needed from me in preparation, did she have the relaxing weekend planned' etc, she didn't seem quite as excited about this meeting as I did, she gave me very little back and looked a bit awkward. I surmised that she was actually shy and better on email/phone than in person. Take note, this conversation (mostly one-way, by me) was conducted in-front of another 6 meeting members. The meeting lead began the meeting with an overview of roles and responsibilities, how strange that she would introduce 'Sarah' as the new girl who joined last week. How odd, how confusing and then it dawned on me...this was not the Sarah I thought it was......oh dear. She must think I'm a total mentalist, what's most baffling is why no-one intervened...maybe it was too funny...and in retrospect I'm quite amused by this, at the time I was not.

I'm looking forward to meeting the real 'Sarah' on Wednesday, but I'm going to trial being more reserved...just in case.
ps - I was excited this morning to discover my nails matched the wall. On reflection, I do look a bit crazed in this photo, maybe this contributed towards pretend 'Sarah's' fear of me.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

A face painting first.

Cheeky little bunny.

Say what LV?

This morning:

Me - Shall we go downstairs and put Finding Nemo on?
LV - How about....I have my breakfast first?
Me - Yep, you can have your breakfast too
LV - Oh good, well come on then 

15 minutes later when Rob came downstairs

LV - Can I have some of your breakfast please?
Rob - You've just had your breakfast!
LV - But my belly button hurts because I need some more....

Last night whilst suspended in the air (flying angels):

LV - This is the last one now Daddy
Rob - Oh ok then
LV - I've got jobs to do

After eating my home baked wheat-free peanut butter cookies:

LV - I really need a drink of water 


Saturday, 3 September 2011

This weeks vintage finds.

I was psyched for this weeks thrift-shop tour, I was at the door ready to rummage at 9am sharp, two hours later I had a full bags worth and a much lighter purse. Oh well, I got some super bits.

1. Beautiful vintage glass dish with mirrored bottom (matches my phone too)
2. 24 pretty vintage hankies (so sweet) their purpose is TBC, but I will find one
3. A cute vintage girls dress, for my stock
4. The Snowman jigsaw puzzle (for LV around Christmas time)

I also found, two lovely pillow cases that I can add to my fabric stockpile, a vintage baby romper, a lovely playsuit for LV with flamingos on (I heart flamingos, so does she, they're our best), a polka dot top (for me) and some hand-painted cards.  I really did go a bit bonkers, but I couldn't be more pleased with my loot. 

Friday, 2 September 2011

Braid banter.

Who knew hair could create so much banter, well believe you me it does where I work. So Thursday morning I plaited the barnet fair and clipped it up. I like plaits and it stops me playing with my hair which I know is annoying for everyone (including me..eeek). From the moment I entered the office the comments started:

1. " oh you look very....Russian' ?!
2. "Morning Heidi"
3. "Very Princess Leah"
4. "You look like the lady from 'the hand that rocks the cradle'" Good God
5. "You can tell you've just got back from Germany"...

As you can imagine the above created a significant amount of paranoia, so I went to check it out in the mirror (obviously I created the doo in front of a mirror but I did not expect such hair attention!), all looked well (to me). I won't shy away from wearing it again, however I might wait a while, and then when no-one's expecting it unleash the plaited doo again, just to shake things up a bit! Or maybe it won't generate any comments at all, that would be ok too.

Excuse the roots, they're on my 'to do'