Sunday, 31 July 2011

Holly Hobbie.

I managed to sneak in a trip to the charity shop today sandwiched between a trip to the park and a mosey along the high street to post some letters and I'm glad I did. I was heading for the linens when LV shouted 'Oh mummy I love this, this is my favourite one', I dreaded to turn and find her lying on the floor holding a glass in the air (not because I'm mad, but because she did this on Saturday). I turned to see her leaning over inspecting a little mug on the shelf, she wasn't touching it (unusual), just inspecting it. It was a sweet little Holly Hobbie mug. So we bagged it, we had to, it was her 'favourite one'!.


Saturday, 30 July 2011


A used golden syrup tin makes a cute little vase! Who knew?!

We squeezed so much in we nearly got stuck.

We were flying solo today, Rob ventured off down to Wales so LV and I set about on our adventure pretty early, 9am to be precise. First we hit the arts and crafts market, where we managed to pick up these beauties, for a mere £6, we bought 6 dainty plates:

I can't wait to use them. I have hidden them under another pile of plates for now so I don't have to justify why we need more pretty plates to Rob, I think they'll blend in just fine. Then we hung out with some friends in the park until our hunger got too much and we gave in and headed home. LV took the opportunity to snooze whilst I gazed lovingly at my new plates. When LV woke we got our summer gladrags on ready to hit a BBQ at my lovely friend Jo's house.

She loves her Dorothy shoes.



Saying cheese. I don't encourage this.

Me laying an egg. haha not really, LV's first go at photography, not too shabby!

And then it actual incident. It's not like us to get through a Saturday without any incidents and today was no different. We had the near loss of vision last Saturday, but this incident was worse (and real), I heard those dreaded words 'Mummy I'm stuck'. My response, quite casually 'You're stuck? Where?' I could see the back of her right by me and it just looked like she was playing quietly, but no, LV had stuck her whole arm down a tube, a fixture to an outdoor sand play station and it was genuinely stuck. Her hand came out the bottom and the tube (a hard plastic) encapsulated her entire forearm  and it was not going anywhere...I panicked, staying calm is not my forte, my first thought was 'amputation'. Not by me, I wasn't going to cut her arm off, but it did cross my mind we may need drastic action, luckily (not for LV it must have felt like a horrid Chinese burn) I managed to twist it off. phew...another incident to tick off the list.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

A homemade bow.

I told LV I'd make her a bow for her hair, I committed, so there was no option other than to deliver. I'm attending a course at the moment which promises to support me in becoming 'highly effective', I'm a bit sceptical, but I thought that the least I could do in an attempt to be a highly effective person was to deliver on a promise I'd made to the little lamb. It's a step in the right direction anyway. It didn't take long, it's quite sweet and I think she'll really love it. I feel a bit saintly that I've done something other than collapse in front of the TV tonight. I might even go as far as to say that I've been productive, oh my what have I become.....highly effective? Maybe. I've got two days left so we'll see.

I can't work out how to get this image to be landscape....I'm not as effective as I'd hoped.


Saturday, 23 July 2011

A bob and an incident...nearly.

It was LV's first proper trip to the hairdressers today, it was a bit stressful as the hairdresser felt it appropriate to treat LV like an adult suggesting LV lean her head to the left, then the right etc...LV stared blankly I mean I think she's pretty bright but we're not quite at knowing our left from our right side yet!We got through it and she came out of the salon with a sassy new bob...cute.

The incident occurred after the haircut whilst walking to the park, suddenly LV started shouting 'I can't see, I can't see' panic stricken I got down to her level like a whippet to see that thankfully she hadn't suddenly gone blind, she had simply closed her eyes. Phew, panic over. Our time in the park was pretty uneventful we had fun in the sandpit followed by an ice cream before LV decided a snooze was in order which allowed the husband and I to enjoy a leisurely celebratory lunch.

 Celebratory because the lovely husband has been offered a new job, horay! A permanent job, that's close to home, a promotion and with a fabulous company...well done Rob!! We're both very proud of you.


Thursday, 21 July 2011

Say what LV?

LV has started to call me all sorts of names, mostly nice names, but it's not ideal. My main concern is with a name that she has picked up from the lovely man that cleans our windows, Derick. Whenever we see Derick he refers to LV as 'chick, chick', it's quite sweet, but LV has really picked up on this and loves it, so I'm now 'mummy chick chick'.

Examples of where this has been used:

LV: 'I'm awake mummy chick chick'

Dropping off at nursery
LV: 'Bye, love you mummy chick chick'

At bedtime
Me: 'Right then little one it's time for bed'
LV: 'Uhhh no thanks mummy chick chick'.

Haaaaaaa. It's a phase and I know it'll pass, last week I was 'poppet'!


Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Sewing project.

So you know about my attempt at knitting and how well it was going, it's still going. So I've turned my hand to sewing and here we have my first softie....Woody. It was really fun to make, not perfect, but I'm very proud, finally something I've managed to start and finish...result! Woody didn't take too long and I'm quite keen to try an owl and a fawn next, maybe using some fabric too....ohhh exciting.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Little lamb.

Caribbean street party.

As part of my 'fit before 30' campaign I have been meaning to go to the gym all week, it didn't transpire, mainly due to the wisdom tooth infection that took over my life. Yesterday I had no excuses so I headed to one of my fave dance classes, body jam. Unfortunately, the routine had changed in my 6 week absence (what with wedding planning, honeymooning and of course the gum infection it's been 6 weeks!eek) so gone was my smug-like I-know-this-routine and will annoy all other class members by dancing my socks off demeanor to be replaced with fear. There's nothing worse than being the one that goes the wrong way, can't co-ordinate their arms and legs, who is sweating like a loon (after the warm up!)...this time it was me. To make matters worse Rob and LV had gone for a swim so once they'd finished they came and WATCHED me. The theme for the next 12 weeks in Caribbean street party...I'll need all the help I can get.

Yoga tonight, fingers crossed it'll be less embarrassing, unless of course they make me do 'lions breath'.


Saturday, 16 July 2011

All grown up...

We've taken the plunge and removed the sides from LV's cot. yikes. She can now get up in the night if she fancies it. Hopefully she won't.

Cot Bed - Mammas & Pappas
Sheet - Thrifted
Duvet cover - John Lewis
Chrochet blanket - Libby's Aunt Charlie

Trying it out.

Wish us luck. xo.

Favourite Friday.

I managed to wangle Friday afternoon off work, the sun was shining and I was oh so relieved to have finished the working week after a fair few late nights. I collected LV we popped home for supplies: sun cream, water, camera...and we headed to the park. There was talk of ice cream, I started it and we thought it best to do ice cream first, play later, so we headed for the ice cream kiosk.
I had a Mr Whippy, LV chose the biggest most colourful lolly (I decided to overlook the potential for hyperactivity as it was the weekend).

After our ices it was time to play..we hung out in the park for ages, it was so gorgeous...I started to daydream about living somewhere hot and what a difference it would make to our lives. Maybe one day. Happy weekend.

Season 1 30 Rock arrived today so we've got the chocolate covered raisins in and we're ready to ROCK ;-). Rob's not even trying to disguise his disappointment that it's not the latest season of Entourage.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Christmas confession.

It has happened...already. I have started to think about Christmas. Not only that, but I have started to think Christmas presents. Not only that, but I have even started to buy presents and have gone as far as to think Christmas wrapping paper...what? I know, it's nuts, it's only July. To be honest, I'm surprised I've made it this far and I am oh so relieved that when I made this confession to my sister she confessed that she had been humming Christmas songs for over a week. Phew. I blame our parents, they gave us such wonderful Christmas's that we get excited six months before the event.

I might watch Elf, just to get it out of my system.
Hohohoho just six months to go.xo 

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Totally Tomatoes.

Back in April LV and I bought two tiny tomato plants, they didn't do that well despite religious watering, warmth all the TLC a tomato plant could wish for. They didn't spring into action and then there was 'the incident' where I nipped off the actual flowers from one of the plants (instead of the side shoots...a result of miscommunication). So, understandably I thought we were nearing the end of their short lives, I was reaching acceptance that I wasn't green fingered and I just wasn't meant to grow tomatoes...but then something wonderful happened. After repotting the limp, yellow leaved, mutilated cherry tomato plant it embraced its new home, clung to life and started sprouting tomatoes left right and centre...I was thrilled and LV ecstatic and on our return from work/nursery today one of the tomatoes is turning red! We danced, we laughed oh how we revelled in our plant growing success  and tomorrow we will pick it, cut it and share it. I cannot wait.

Unfortunately the plum tomato plant hasn't done quite so well, the main reason for this is LV threw her space hopper at it and three tomatoes fell off leaving just the one lonely tomato. No other signs of tomatoes on this plant. Despite this sad news I am still overwhelmed with excitement regarding our one red tomato. Well done us.
ps - the chili plant and the pepper plant didn't make it....we tried, we failed...but we'll try again.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

The Typewriter.

Yesterday whilst on one of my thrifting expeditions I stumbled across a diamond of a find...something thrifting dreams are made of really....I uncovered, behind shelves of old board games an unusual looking square shaped object. It was heavy, grey, had a handle and the words 'Made in France', I was intrigued....and frustrated that I couldn't work out how to open the damn thing! I was so intrigued I persevered and eventually after 5 minutes of trying to get the lid off (at this point I still didn't know what was inside) the shop assistant took pity on me and explained that it opened by pressing the two silver buttons on the top of the case at the same time - clearly, the only defense I have for being such a moron is that I was trying not to disturb LV by trying to be quick and quiet as she was having an afternoon snooze in the pram whereas in fact she would have been more disturbed if she'd awoken to see the steam coming out of my ears as my brain burned with the difficult task of trying to remove the lid from a typewriter. After writing this I realise I don't even deserve a typewriter.

I was amazed. I love typewriters. It was £3.99! I couldn't resist. I think Rob wishes that I had tried harder to resist.

I have been pondering all day what I might use it for and I've settled on a letter writing project. I will write letters to LV detailing the 2.5 years since she was born. I will focus on the things that I think she'll find interesting to know about herself when she's older. I have badgered my mum in the past for details on what I was like when I was a baby and she has sometimes drawn a blank - I realise this is because those precious baby/toddler memories are etched into her soul and not necessarily her long term memory. ;-) My mum was also the proud owner of 3 children under 5 years, a challenge not many take on, a woman much braver than I. So just in case we do decide to expand our brood I'm going to diarise the early years for LV...on my typewriter. However, I have already encountered a small glitch in being a saintly memory recording mother, the typewriter is so noisy that it's driving Rob insane. Typewriting will have to be saved for when he's out of the house.

Imperial Concorde Typewriter courtesy of Age Concern:

Noisy but nice.


Saturday, 9 July 2011

Fairy cakes.

It has been a while since we've baked, LV usually gets to enjoy my baking but we rarely bake together, two reasons for this 1) I struggle with patience 2) She struggles with patience. We're getting there though and we'll continue to work on our baking relationship and I'm sure one day we'll make a great team. I did the prep work today so when she got home from playing out with her dad we could get on with the fun stuff. We made Vanilla Fairy Cakes and they turned out pretty well:

Lining the tin.

Filling the cases - LV ate half the mixture.

Which meant we didn't have enough for all the cases.

She insisted on putting a hair clip in before we started decorating the cakes - sensible.

And did a brilliant job - she really took her time.

She has lost the ability to smile with her eyes open or has been blinded by the cakes beauty.

She tried to get the whole thing in.


Yes, it's a new cake stand - thanks mum.

Stress levels stayed low, we had fun and the cakes were delicious.

Vanilla Fairy Cakes:
120g Plain Flour
140g Caster sugar
40g Unsalted Butter (Room temp)
1.5 tsp baking powder
a pnich of salt
120 ml whole mik
1 egg
0.5 tsp vanilla extract
Oven - 170 degrees.
Makes 12 fairy cakes.

1. Sift and mix flour, sugar baking powder and butter until sand like consistency, pour in half the milk and mix with electric mixer.
2. Beat egg, vanilla extract and remaining milk together then mix with mixture from step 1.
3. Spoon mixture into paper cases and bake for 20-25 minutes until springy.

Vanilla Butter icing.
125g icing sugar
40g butter
1 drop of vanilla extract
1 tbsp whole milk
(we used red food colouring too to make pink icing)

Combine and beat (with hand-held electric whisk) for about 5 mins until light and fluffy.

These were quick, easy and not exactly part of my body beautiful plan, so I've decided to start that (again) on Monday.


Friday, 8 July 2011

Boden we love you.

Boden, we love you, your clothes are gorgeous, wash well, last a long time, look darling - all very important to mamas but most of all we love that you put your beautiful clothes into the sale so people like me can buy them!

I had £100 worth of clothes for LV, for next year, in my basket...and then I got real and did a cull of the items I liked but didn't feel madly in love with. Yes, it's true, I often fall madly in love with items of I'm sitting tight waiting for these precious items to arrive. We're taking a big trip next year, to California, so LV needs some togs for the adventure.

Fifties dress (soft blue check)
Fifties dress (flowers)
Cherry hearts retro bikini

So sweet. LV will love them, so much so she'll probably say 'Oh mummy, I love those' - her new catchphrase, it gets me everytime.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Happy Honeymoon.

So even though I'm yet to post the pictures from our big day (I'm waiting for the disc from the photographers!) I won't keep you in suspense about our lovely honeymoon in Barcelona. It was truly lovely. We decided not to leave until two days after the wedding, so we could spend a day recovering and catching up with our friends/family before they all headed home and so we had a chance to shop and pack. The honeymoon was an afterthought really that we hadn't paid much attention to until the day after the wedding when suddenly the panic of having not organised myself set in. Anyway, we managed to get organised, I dropped LV at nursery and then wailed like a loon in the car as I drove away (we had decided to go to Barcelona for four day on.....our......own). On arrival at the airport we were informed that our flight had been delayed, for two hours....super. So I did what any decent honeymooner would do:

I had a cider.

Once on the plane I started to panic and experienced irrational fear, what if the plane caught fire, what if it was hijacked, what if we crashed...I missed LV. This fear reappeared again in the taxi from the airport to the hotel and when we were flying home. For this reason I can't imagine a time when I will fly without LV again. So, Barcelona, we had a lovely time, we ate, drank, slept, lounged, laughed, relaxed and dabbled in a spot of sight-seeing. It was hot, very hot, a bit too hot for traipsing around, which made me feel less guilty about lounging by the pool. A glimpse at how we whittled our days away: I was rarely without a drink...naughty me.

A Margarita - my fave.

A white wine - another fave.

We ate...alot:

Amazing Vietnamese restaurant, right next door to our hotel.

Tapas - Yum.

More Tapas - double YUM.

We loved it, but we missed our little lamb and were pretty excited to be heading home, which is something I can't say I've ever experienced before!
My top tips:
1. Stay in the Gothic Quarter, it's lovely and a perfect spot to explore from.
2. Buy pastries from the bakery for breakfast - they're divine and much cheaper than brekkie in a cafe.
3. Eat Tapas in El Bourne.
4. Drink a massive beer on Las Ramblas - but be prepared to pay 10 euros per beer!
5. There was a fab flea market outside the Cathedral on Thursday and Friday - fun to look around, but mega expensive.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Learning to knit.

In an attempt to do something productive in the evenings after: a day in work, collecting LV, sorting tea, playing with LV and putting LV to bed other than slumping in a comotose like state on the sofa whilst staring blankly at whatever soap happens to be on at that time I decided to take up knitting. My reasoning being I could still have the TV on in the background but I would be doing something contructive at the same time. My sister is a crafty whiz, crochet is her thing and she's amazing at it, but she can knit too. She showed me the basics, which I picked up pretty quick, but I started the below scarf 12 months ago and as you can see, progress hasn't really been made....much:

So, I'm picking this project back up and in posting this I will be shamed into getting it done. I'm excellent at starting things, I'm satisfactory at finising them. Another reason to keep this hobby going is so I have something lovely to keep in my Grandmas knitting bag:

I really love this bag. My Grandma was a brilliant knitter.